The Final Walk Through, also called the Final Verification of Condition, is a chance to verify that everything is in order with the property. The Final Walk Through is often done immediately before or immediately after signing loan documents.
Together with your agent, you will check that no new damage has occurred to the property since you entered escrow.
You will also check that any fixtures, appliances, or personal property items that were included in your purchase contract are in place.
You will check that any agreed-upon repair work has been done; including retrofits required by local ordinance such as the installation of smoke detectors, water heater bracing, and the installation of a seismic safety valve.
If a problem is discovered during the final walk through, your agent at Bob Taylor Properties will work with you to obtain a solution as quickly as possible.
Would you like to know more? Call Bob Taylor Properties at 323-257-1080 or email at [email protected]