Nearly every buyer needs to borrow money in order to purchase real estate. Whether or not a particular buyer will be able to obtain a loan depends in part on his or her personal financial circumstances, and in part on national and local economic conditions.
We are experienced in helping buyers and sellers understand those conditions, and navigate the process of financing. We are experienced in acting as a liaison between the lending institution, the buyers, and the sellers.
We recognize that often first-time buyers can be intimidated by the idea of a home purchase; it’s probably more money than they’ve ever spent, and they are assuming a large amount of debt.
Regardless of changes in the real estate market, a home purchase can bring long-term benefits. We can provide you with information about market trends in the neighborhood and historical appreciation figures.
We are familiar with many different types of mortgage and financing programs. We can help buyers and sellers understand which programs are realistically available for each unique set of circumstances.
Would you like to know more? Call Bob Taylor Properties at 323-257-1080 or email at [email protected]